The studio has had a number of student-named ensembles over the years. The flute ensembles consist of private students interested in performing different types of music and various venues. The ensemble includes piccolo, flute, alto flute, and bass flute. We play a variety of music including new music with extended techniques. We perform every year at local churches, nursing homes, and the Central Ohio Flute Association (COFA). At Christmastime we form small ensembles to provide Christmas music to local nursing homes during dinner.

For non-students, small ensemble coaching is available at $15/student/hour.
Danse Bacchanale for Beatbox Flute Choir arr. Kuhns performed by the Woodwinds of Change
Danse Macabre arr. Hinze performed by the Woodwinds of Change at COFA 2018
John Williams Fantasy Medley performed by Twisted Trillers Spring 2017
Star Spangled Banner at the Dayton Dragons game Spring 2017
Twisted Trillers at COFA 2017 playing Ian Clarke's Within
Twisted Trillers play Christmas Jazz Suite 2016
Twisted Trillers play Jupiter Melody from Holst’s Planets May 2016
Twisted Trillers play Norwegian Dance by Grieg May 2016
Twisted Trillers at COFA 2016 playing Wil Offermans’s Bamburia
Twisted Trillers at Chicago Flute Club 2015 playing Magic and Mystery Suite
Twisted Trillers Sakura arr. Lombardo performance at COFA 2015
Zig Zag Zoo by Ian Clarke performance at COFA 2014
Snow break by Kütt at COFA 2014
Carol of the Bells Christmas 2014
Go Tell it on the Mountain Christmas 2012